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Camryn Dumpski

A little bitch. She always makes me slave around for her. She is a big time thot and honestly i h8 her. she wants me to die.

That "Camryn Dumpski" makes me cry!

by hecccccccccin June 7, 2018

Camryn <3

The girl that made my life the way it is. The beautiful, talented girl that makes me smile every time I think of her. The only person with the ability to turn my life around and make me feel incredible. She doesn’t realize how perfect she really is. Words can’t properly describe how absolutely amazing she is. She lights up every room she goes in and catches every eye that looks her way. She’s so much stronger than she thinks. One day she’ll realize the impact she made on the people she knows. The girl I’m in love with, Camryn <3

Is that god???

No. It’s Camryn <3

by Ethee July 6, 2021

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