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Mak Mak cheese

Mak mak cheese is a person named makayla who eats cheese.

Look, makayla is eating cheese! She's a mak mak cheese for sure.

by Mak mak cheese May 3, 2021

William Mak

used to be a sweat at fortnite and has now turned into an asian roadman who vapes 24/7
has a 70 yr old dad when he was in y8

yo it's william mak, is he shagging another yr11 again? not surprised icl

by itzyabaee August 15, 2023

bigg mak

1)A noob that sounds like a fat kid on the mike.
2)A noob that always talks into the mike with food in their mouth and is hard to understand causing frustration and eventual banning.
3)Calling someone a bigg mak is saying that they are a fat noob that don't know how to play and/or use a mike.

1) I got some bigg mak whining at me about spawn killing him!
2) I just owned some bigg mak, and he trying to yell at me.

by JBULL250 March 6, 2008

mak kau backflip

its a way to define something specific.

person a: how do i look?
person b: wow.. youre so damn chio sampai mak kau backflip sia!!
person a: OMG!! thank you!

by konekpanjang October 4, 2023

mak dee

When a white guy opens an Asian restaurant, the first thing he puts on the menu is the Mak Dee. It consists of chicken, rice, and tofu.

Customer: Could I get 2 orders of the Mak Dee?

Waiter: Yes sir that will be right out.

by Smartest Guy Alive September 7, 2015

mak esnes

when something just makes sense. but you have to emphasise it.

bread is juts bteter. mak esnes.

by boun2 November 14, 2022