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Psych Like

Liking a post on accident on various social media sites then immediately unliking said post.

I saw her post on facebook where she posted pics of her gettin' drunk and i psych liked it.

by Nale Dixon June 24, 2014


When you notice what appears as an empty space in a parking lot full of parked vehicles, only to momentarily find out a motorcycle or sometimes a much smaller vehicle is parked there as you drive your vehicle closer to the space when you try to take that spot.

A play on the word "motorcycle" and the phrase "Psyche!"

I saw a free-looking spot to park. Then I got motor-psyched, so I had to keep looking for a different spot.

by Xaxamos May 13, 2022


A short form for psychological evaluation.

They might threaten me with a psych-eval or something...

by Sondafe February 3, 2018


In the Late 60s and 70s, Christian Gospel and Rock bands began incorporating Psychedelic Influences in their music, creating a Sub-Genre "Christ-Psych" or Christian Psychedelic Rock. The Use is used in various different locations, Psychedelic Rock often Co-opted with Christian Imagery, Lyrics by (Not Always) Christian Bands.

Person 1: Hey, check out this band I found, It's like Christian Psychedelic Rock!
Person 2: Ah, Christ-Psych

by The Grand Fool of Foolishnesss December 27, 2022

psych job

A person with psychological problems, especially irrational fears (namely a neurosis).

Most of the women in young adult groups are attractive, kind of hot, and psych jobs.

I wanted to date her until I found out she was a psych job.

by Source of Truth January 8, 2009