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Doing a Vance

When you have sex with an inside out latex glove shoved between 2 couch cushions as Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance admitted to doing in pp. 179-181 of his book "Hillbilly Elegy"

My friend is into some weird shit. He told me he was Doing a Vance last night.

by Pickle Richard July 24, 2024

143👍 4👎


Having intimate relations with couches or furniture

I caught my friend vancing with his couch.

by Yep it’s August 8, 2024


The sexual act of adding lube to a rubber glove and put it between couch cushions and use it to masturbate.

JD was in the middle of Vancing a couch when he slipped and made it a love seat.

by DHyena July 30, 2024


The action of sticking your penis in between the cushions of a couch

I had to replace my new couch after I caught my roommate Vancing it.

by burningviolins August 11, 2024


To have sexual intercourse with a couch.

"I came home and found Billy Vancing with our new loveseat! We're gonna need some Scotch guard"

by UrPalBrgs July 25, 2024


v. To fornicate with a seam, fold, or gap in a piece of furniture. Often couches, but settees, ottomans, or the occasional chaise lounge have been used.

No, James isn't allowed over at my grandma's anymore. We caught him vancing the loveseat when he thought we were picking up lunch.

by Polynym July 25, 2024


When you have sex with an inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions as Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance admitted to doing in pp. 179-181 of his book "Hillbilly Elegy".

My friend is into some weird shit. He told me today he was Vancing last night.

by Pickle Richard July 24, 2024