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housen burg

a man saw a ghost named quandel dingle

i feel like housen burg

by apple sauce taste nasty April 29, 2022

chocolate ice burg

A shit so massive the top pokes out of the water similar to an ice burg that wrecked the Titanic but made of shit instead of ice and it wrecks your anus.

I need to eat more fiber I just dropped the biggest chocolate ice burg.

by Beef Swellington May 19, 2017

Burge demo

People who demolish doors and walls

I need a new door so I called burge demo

by Sue demo June 25, 2019


when the failed launch of mid-air spinning torpedo and fatally land both legs on the right

susie and deven were wrestling when Susie accidentally caught herself in a spein-burg

by cloudy-rai April 7, 2021


To be left waiting or not turning up at all

Hey we've been waiting outside the gate for an hour.. where is Richard? I think he has burged you mate, he's not coming!

by Chubwarna July 5, 2015


Similar to perma-fryed, being out of it or cracked out. Often during a sport or daily life, usually resulting in embarrassment as well as being yelled at.

origins in Burg-man Sr. Jr and the Third

"are you stoned?"

"sorry man i was just burged out"
"Buuuurrrrggg wtf man"
"Dean you pussy!"

by Slip n' Slide December 5, 2013


An insatiable urge to consume burgers, especially when one shouldn't (e.g., when one is on a diet, reducing red meat consumption, trying to eat vegetarian, etc.).

I was doing a great job managing my hypertension, but I succumbed to a burge yesterday and my blood pressure went back up.

by _yello_jello July 2, 2021