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Lake Isabel

The lake 80 miles to Santa Fe that Dean Summerwind referred to in his single "Parked out by the Lake"

What lake is he parked out by?
I checked Google Maps, it seems to be Lake Isabel.

by ThanaGD September 7, 2022

Stanford Lake College

The coldest place on earth… after mt Everest.
The home to the funniest people in South Africa.

Stanford Lake College… FOR THE TREES 🌲

by Pink lemonade 👑 November 21, 2021

Copake Lake

A small lake in upstate New York, hindered only by its lack of attractive females.

Friend 1: hey, wanna go up to copake lake this weekend?

Friend 2: no thanks, it’s a sausage fest up there. Let’s go to candlewood instead.

by Jghjkghjktguu August 2, 2022

red lake county

Also known as the ugliest county in American and formerly known as and is sometimes still referred to, as Redneck County; people from all over Minnesota and close-by states live here. Farming? Rednecks? Few badasses? Mexicans? Canadians? They have em' all.

"Hey you're a redneck, you must be from Red Lake County!"

by WhiteRosesRed May 22, 2016

lake bottom

where diego lives

oh boy, she went to lake bottom

by thetrilltrex November 15, 2019