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being disposed into a river to left to sink while deceased; tied to a heavy object while left to sink alive

"If I don't pay off my debt to my supplier I'll end up river-bottom."

by baphomxt October 16, 2017

Bear River

Welcome to Bear River, a place where white kids learn to become racist and homophobic, a place absolutely brimming with rude women, and best of all a place where you can struggle to feel comfortable.

Boy #1: “Man, fuck Bear River.
Boy #2: “Yeah dude, that place is a shithole!”
Both boys: “Fuck Bear River!”

by SkrellyBroh November 24, 2021

Kiki on the river

1. A female who sends guys mixed signals.
2. A female who entertains multiple dudes

You a Kiki on the river, all in everybody’s face.

by daiquilla June 29, 2024

Carolina River Wash

when 2 people go and have sex in a river

Me and my girlfriend went down to Carolina River Wash last weekend.

by Purple hooded swagger May 26, 2021

river kinman

Beautiful creature

Oh look at that river kinman

by Not Jacob krause February 3, 2018