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fortnite battle pass

game and fortnite battle pass

you have a fortnite battle pass

by fortnite battle pass up my pc April 7, 2022

fortnite battle pass

I just Sh#t out ma Ass boot up ma pc cause i need need to git dat

Fortnite battle pass

by Teder_rex June 15, 2022

Fortnite battle pass

Ur mom lol

Hey I got the fortnite battle pass

Well I did ur mom

by T0ilet123 March 12, 2022

Fortnite Battle Pass

An item you can purchase in fortnite for 950 v-bucks, it normally contains skins, emotes, wraps, etc..

Guy 1: fortnite battle pass, i just shid out my ass
Guy 1: booted up my pc, cause i need me
Guy 1: to get that fortnite battle pass

by Colonel Cornelius Cornwall Jr. October 20, 2023

fortnite battle pass

its the time when u take a shit and u gotta sing

Person1:Hey, I need to take a shit
Person1:Oh yeah, i can just sing the fortnite battle pass song while im about to drop a hiroshima in my own house while my kids are in my basement.

by Adolf the jew April 20, 2022

Gas Pass

The transfer of gasses when you burp in a girls vagina while giving head, allowing the gas to escape and travel through her body and out of her mouth, making her burp as well

Guy 1: Bro!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: I was slurping on my girl’s juice when I gas passed her!

by I eat children’s February 9, 2020

Moka pass

A fake, fraudulent, baseless guarantee, that when times comes, a product will perform.

Jacob's moka pass struts failed on the offroad course.

by Thenoshitsherlockholmes February 22, 2021