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Fries in the sauce

When a dude goes five fingers in on that pussy and she on her period (red sauce)

Chick is freaky yo she likes them fries in the sauce

by Maieliz143 December 11, 2015

Sucks Major French Fries

An expression in which shows disappointment in one's find. Another way of saying this expression is replacing "french fries" with "big mac".

Person one: "Dude, these Twitards are saying that Harry Potter sucks..."
Person two: "Ah, well, Twilight sucks major french fries..."

by -X-Ellen-X- November 10, 2009

Deep Fried Squid Balls

When you stick your balls in a deep fryer and say "blub blub i'm an octopus nigga" and then fuck someone

person: "aye me and this bitch made deep fried squid balls"

by xvx_k1r1t0_xvx_killme January 21, 2022

Fried My Cheese

When someone or something really pisses you off.

Hey, I can't believe Sheila took credit for my idea. That really fried my cheese!

by suckit77 July 16, 2009

Fried NUT

A hoe ass bitch

now that's a fried nut

by Yo mommas private dictionary August 12, 2018

Polish Fried Flyers

When polish people get fried and proceed to fling their shit at each other with ruby encrusted stainless steel spoons

Guy 1: bro, guess what?
Guy 2: what
Guy 1: me and Vanessa totally did some Polish Fried Flyers last night!
Guy 2: that’s gross

by BigWillyLaut69 March 3, 2019

The fried okra

When you place your penis inside of the anus until it is covered in fecal matter then place it into the mouth of another.

I can't believe I talked her into doing the fried okra

by Kylesajew July 23, 2017