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Acting out, saying or portraying anything in such a gay manner it can only be described as Homo-Heroic.

Is Aaron homophobic? No, closer to Homo-Heroic.

Others Include:

Freddy Mercury's mustache
Making out with a guy to see girls make out
Using a Bluetooth Ear Piece
Two guys in a sleeping bag
Straight Bash a crowd of straight people

by Boxer311 June 27, 2011

Homo Sapiens Sapiens

The full name of the human species, literal meaning "we smart-smart", created to distinguish us from similar anthropoids, who we believe maybe to have been smart, but not smart-smart.

To your left, an example of Homo sapiens sapiens, vomiting on something.

by I woi May 9, 2024

homo magnet

A person who's nickname is Doc

Hey, did you see that guy over there? His name is Doc and he IS a homo magnet.

by frederick sampson March 16, 2007

Leering Homo

A homosexual man who looks or behaves in a way that shows sexual interest in a heterosexual male, especially when this is not wanted

A leering homo gazed deeply into the straight mans eyes without consent as he worked out at the gym. The leering homo had penetrated the straight man's personal space with his eyes and erect penis.

by Glass Table Owners Group August 4, 2024

dirty homo

Normaly a guy named Clifton who prefers sexual intercours with death animals, rather then enjoying the pleasure of the women body

Damn man, i met that dirty homo at the graveyard and he was doing his stuff.

by brunnes June 27, 2017

G homo

Ghomo- one that thinks there gangster but is gay... usually drives around with aa busted windshield and thinks there a mechanic. But couldn't hack the pressures of smalls at home banging his girl

He ain't gay that's a g homo.

by Mike the pipe7 June 8, 2023

no homo year

No homo year starts today, kiss all your homies!!

"Bro it's no homo year, lets kiss!"

by RevivedSam November 8, 2023