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Baking Cookies

A Navy term for any action related to "Command Involvement." Such activities usually result in the sailor spending 10% of their time doing their actual job, and 90% doing volunteer/extra activities to raise funds for more activities in an effort to get promoted (or just to avoid real work).

You got an early promotion on your eval? You must have been baking cookies.

by gegilso October 1, 2020

baking cookies

sly shorthand for masturbation

ben is "baking cookies" ;)

by joe69lolxd April 2, 2020

Bake 'N Spray

When one bakes... then sprays... (does drugs, then uses air freshener on nearby trash cans). This is a new charity... Febrezing the trash cans. Anyone can participate. It is a tax write off.

"Yo, what are you doing?", as a man sprays febreze on a trash can in a park.

"Im trying out this new Bake 'N Spray thing yo"

by Bake 'N Spray And Sons October 23, 2014

Shake and bake

a) The act of making a protein shake and rolling a joint after the gym or any other activity

b) The act of drinking a smoothie and blazing simultaneously

Hey man, wanna come over to shake and bake after our soccer match?

by HansBex October 26, 2019

Shake and bake

When ur in the same room as and guy and they flash there balls to each other

Man we we're at Rob's house and I got shake And baked

by Can't drivesyrightimsogay June 12, 2019

Shake and Bake

The act of one beating their meat while high. It is a great feeling that every stoner knows well.

A: I'm high as fuck rn
B: You should shake and bake.
A: What's that?
B: When you beat it when stoned.

by IG1879 January 6, 2020

Shake and Bake

Thrusting in and out vigorously causing much pleasure and continuously queefing in the process.

A dog was doing the shake and bake with a biscut on a rusty bench, more happened after…

by Jackman556 November 14, 2022