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two seater douche canoe

One who is filled so much with douche that it would fit inside a two seater canoe.

That kid is the biggest kind of jerk. One might call him a two seater douche canoe

by SwagBadger August 29, 2012

1👍 2👎

Dick douche canoe


Karen was being a dick douche canoe and driving in the left lane.

by Willie June 12, 2021

Ska douche canoe

Duh, bye ;like hello, is anybody home?Notifying the individual expressing verbage that your done, but trying to be abruptly absent. Gots to go. Tata for now.
Don’t ever contact me again. Speaking to someone who said something that was life threatening or unlogical, suggesting harm or dumb shit. And your opting out.

Guy: so are you looking for someone who actually is into responsibilities?
Chick: ska douche canoe

Guy #1: why don’t we hangout in the ice fishing spot, probably the tempature huh?
Guy #2: ska douche canoe

by DaughterofGod March 14, 2020

Douch Canoe

A vehicle, typically a pickup truck (i.e., land canoe) operated by an obnoxious total loser.

A douch canoe just cut me off in traffic.

by Super_G February 17, 2022