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peachy keen jelly bean

A cute little fun way to say you are 'keen' about something in a rhyming way.

It can be used in a sarcastic or a genuine tone, how you use it is up to the interpreter.

Josh: "Are you excited for Caitlyn's party"

Y/n: "I'm 'peachy keen jelly bean'!"

by Jord Jean May 31, 2021

Peachy keen, Avril Lavigne

The best rhyming phrase ever. Period. Way better than "See you later, alligator" and "After a while, crocodile".

Carl: Everything all right, Ben?

Ben Chang: Peachy keen, Avril Lavigne!

by P^3 September 17, 2020

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Peachy keen, Avril Lavigne

The best rhyming phrase ever. Period. Way better than "See you later, alligator" and "After a while, crocodile".

Carl: Everything all right, Ben?

Ben Chang: Peachy keen, Avril Lavigne!

by P^3 September 17, 2020

treat em mean keep em keen

Girls gets bored when guys are too nice.

You have to treat them mean to keep them keen!
That's why bad boys always gets the girl.

Guy: "Hey dude i really like that girl"
Dude: "Well then you have to treat em mean keep em keen"

by ThatGirlWhoNeverGetsBored June 18, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sexually Transmitted Keenness

A condition in which a previously lazy person becomes a sweat after getting with someone keen

He contracted Sexually Transmitted Keenness and now he's accessing all the top grades

by __AON__ November 7, 2017

Neato Keen Bean

This is the best of the best and I like it very much. If something is neato keen bean, I approve of it in the highest way possible.

It's really great. It's neato keen bean.

by DirtClaudia May 14, 2023

Team Keen

Group was founded in south-western sydney Australia, february 8th 2011.

The group was all found to be fairly keen - (eager to do something, or somebody, and is used to descride someone who is willing for sex anywhere, anytime.) Being keen is a way of life, and you have to be down for what ever to be initiated.

Pretty sure i'd mow everyone in team keen ay

by Pocket Rocket Crockett March 9, 2011