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seared near

when you barely cook a nice thick juicy steak till its blood red in the middle. Even Rarer than rare

1. "that mutha fuker is gonna get put on the grill and seared near to perfection"

2. Damn joe steak so raw it is Seared near

by off the Hizzy August 8, 2014

Near hit

Similar to a near miss, used in a mocking sense.

Hey there J-man, nice near hit!

by Sneedonym February 19, 2023


indicating a close approximation or similarity to a certain quality or state, often used to convey a sense of resemblance or equivalence without absolute precision.

"His guess was near-round accurate, being only off by a few minutes."

by Mr Soup April 11, 2024

Near Jail Experience

When you’re going through airport security with disallowed substances in your carry-on bag and the security agent starts shredding through your stuff.

J.O. Holy shit did you see that dude grab my vape pen?
S.C. Near jail experience, man.

by stuartc1 December 5, 2021

a near pie experience

Anything that's a minor to medium inconvenience

"Man, having to tackle that extra work was such a near pie experience."

by Persephone282 December 24, 2020

A Right Near Weapon

someone so extraordinary that they need to be examined in some underground highly classified facility

For example someone who plays a 5-back in online competitive Fifa Ultimate Team

Someone who eats Peanut butter alone on toast

Just faced a guy in the weekend league and his team had 5 defenders ... That guy is a Right Near Weapon

by Jonathan Ojong September 2, 2022

Historically Near-Sighted

a historically near-sighted person is someone who can only remember recent history, wether it be in the recent few centuries or even just the recent few years.

July 4, John: do you realize that a year ago today we had to use bread slices instead of buns for hot dogs?
Bob: do you also that realize today is when america became independent? John: REALLY? Bob: yes, its taught in history class. John: oh, sorry, i didn't know that becuase im historically near-sighted.

by d00dd00d February 5, 2010