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Genshin Impact Stereotyper

Someone who calls Genshin Impact Players pedophiles with no evidence to back it up because they read it somewhere on r/shitposting.

John: Hey are you wearing a hoodie with Zhongli on it? You must be a pedophile then!

Keith: See, this is why you’re so annoying. You’re a Genshin Impact stereotyper

by KatNotKit January 24, 2022

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stereotypical bitch day

When you are full of every emotion and take to social media so the whole world knows how you feel!
That guy is gonna know that his lack of texts has got you mad, whether he sees it himself of social media, or his friends screen shot him it, HE IS GONNA KNOW!

'Woah, she's having a stereotypical bitch day! Have you seen her Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and IG today?!'

by Whyyougottabelikedat August 24, 2015

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your stereotypes are showing

when you exude your personality traits that are common stereotype misconceptions.

when a white person dances badly, a POC is speaking loudly, or an Asian is good at math, etc.... friend says to you "your stereotypes are showing." Inspired by Mz. K...only to used amongst close friends and those "in the know."

by stabbyk February 5, 2010

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stereotypical white boy

A lonesome white tween who's hobbies include playing CSGO non stop, trying to be good at basketball, and watching lord of the rings while eating tortilla chips.

Everyone: what's up?
Stereotypical white boy: ssshhh! I'm losing in CS! Aw screw it. I'm just gonna go drain some treys with chaboys Jaquan and Latifa in downtown bel Air.

by Lulax June 21, 2017

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Stereotypical white girl

A stereotypical white girl, is a girl who is perfect, sassy, rude, dumb, and a brat. Or that’s what people think. A white girl is really a girl struggling to fit in with a giant label a blond written on her head. A white girl try’s to be good at things and works hard to earn the love of those around her. This girl may seem spoiled, but not everything is what it seems. This girl may have a tough life of expectation and perfection expected, she may be scolded about her beliefs and her choices. She may be rich, but she is as broke as anyone else. This girl may be going through something nobody knows about but when you see her, you’ll see a happy, perfect girl with everything hidden with a single smile.

I know blond, white girl, with the expectation for perfection by her whole family. But she learned how to hide it all through her fake smile. So this is the reality of a Stereotypical White Girl.

by Stereotypical October 28, 2020

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Cultural Stereotype Pages

Pages that have transformed from (*insert race / cultural group here*) hating definitions to people who are outraged by it and in self defense attempt to make amends by posting excessively long articles about what they beleive should be the correct definition i.e. non-racist *race name here* are a proud people. These people should suck up their pathetic bleeding heart, accept that this is the internet, and never return to this website again.

These people never actually do anything to benefit their people, they just look like internet retards

All of the pages talking about Arabs, Jews, and Black people are cultural stereotype pages, but they changed nothing about the preconceptions about their culture

by plasma phasr February 12, 2010

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Stereotypes about White people

Barbarians (Undisciplined)

The only Racists, KKK Members, Oppressors of new lands, etc.
The easiest baits for green cards
The only people who have money
The only people who are arrogant and ignorant
The only people who are self-centered
The only people who are unknowledgeable about other cultures

An example of "Stereotypes about White people": "Wow, look at that White guy yelling at that Black girl about her stealing something just now. What a racist he is! He must be from the KKK, since he's white and yelling at her, a black girl, for what she just did wrong."

by Part of this vast world August 13, 2011

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