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albanian teabag

A sexual act where a male with strangely large balls inserts them into a another man’s anus, then removes them quickly to make a popping sound.

Josh-remember when we Albanian teabagged last night

Gary- when you removed your balls from my ass the pop was so loud you woke my sister up

by Andreiguodala June 7, 2023

Albanian Quake

When a creeper on line gets his first nude and masturbates so hard he starts speaking in tongues and his legs quake.

When Marko saw MehMehs fat in the middle dick he didn’t even take time to grab lube and did the Albanian Quake.

by Dominatrix;) November 26, 2019

Albanian Water Bottle

The act of going into a porta-potty and scooping the creamy blue shit soup with a water bottle and drinking it.

I had to take a shit but got distracted and pulled an Albanian Water Bottle in that bitch.

by That Bitch Carol Baskins January 31, 2023

Albanian Toilet

When you shove someone you really dislike onto the floor, then proceed to excrete feces into their mouth and urinate up their nasal cavity.

Hey bro I ran into my highschool bully the other day so I gave him the Albanian Toilet.

by Jaxxkxx June 10, 2020