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White Women of Colour

Noun Meaning

1 A woman who identifies as a spray tanner.

'After all these years of prejudice, White Women Of Colour have created their own place among us and are now fully accepted into our liberal and forward thinking, democratic society. We should feel proud!

by TONY of SXW2 May 24, 2024

Trooping the colour

A particularly heavy period flow for a woman. Named after the British army display on the Queen's official birthday, where the foot guards parade in the bright red jackets.

Even though it was his birthday, the horse guards parade was on. Dave didn't get his birthday shag as his missus was trooping the colour.

by Grumpy Expat June 8, 2019


A fancy word to replace the word stealing.

Let's go and colour-vous that watch.

by techna August 9, 2003

colour perception

Rainbow vision: YES

Ah yes, the sky is made of blue. My colour perception is trielt going off.

by Henry the BREXIT November 11, 2019

Colour run

Europe: A place where girls go to get pictures of themselves covered in different colours

America: When a person of colour runs from the police

“Wow that guy really ran fast when he saw those cops
“Ye man it was a total colour run

by Daddy Akinfenwa August 15, 2019

Coloured Gradients

Coloured gradients are quite basic

They were using a coloured gradient so I call them basic and unoriginal..

Coloured Gradient are not cool

Coloured Gradients is also one type of coloured basic transforming into another

by dunnopie January 9, 2021

Colour Revolution

The meaning of the word Colour Revolution is western backed coup that usually less than 20% of the country's population genuinely support

The Fall of the Berlin wall is a Colour Revolution

by The Kansas Soviet April 22, 2024