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Eyeball awning

When you have fake eyelashes so big the stick out over you're eyeball and provide cover from the elements.

That girls eyes are not getting wet in this rain cause she's got a eyeball awning.

by Armyguywayne December 16, 2016


Looking at.

You been eyeballing the 98 pound girl with the nunchakas and the ADHD again, you want some of that? She rolls with some Incredible Hulks, so watch out, them boys is rough!

by Solid Mantis October 21, 2020


Looking at.

You been eyeballing the 98 pound girl with the nunchakas and the ADHD again, you want some of that?

by Solid Mantis October 21, 2020


Looking at.

You been eyeballing the 98 pound girl with the nunchakas again, you want some of that?

by Solid Mantis October 21, 2020

eyeball ping-pong

When two people are taking turns making awkward glances at each other but avoiding direct eye contact; Person 1 will look at Person 2, usually with a side-eye, until the Person 2 looks at Person 1, at which point Person 1 quickly looks away and the cycle starts over. The continuous back-and-forth resembles that of a game of ping-pong. Typically indicates some kind of tension between the two involved parties.

Guy 1: Dude, I saw my ex yesterday.

Guy 2: Yikes, how did that go?

Guy 1: It actually wasn’t that awkward, but we were doing a lot of eyeball ping-pong. I wonder if there’s still anything there.

Guy 2: There's not, you’re just an idiot.

by BandH8r May 18, 2021

eyeball moistener

Eye drops help your eyes become moist and makes them nice and smooth for looking at things. They prevent your eyes from itching and scratching, because of the lack of moist.

oil is to a squeaky door as eyeball moistener is to eyes

by whatspoppin008 March 10, 2022

Mexican eyeball massage

When you splash the tip of your Johnson with a dab of habañero hot sauce, and then proceed to poke your mate in the eyeball.

Let me tell you… Last night I went out to the local pub with the intent of playing billiards, and I received a Mexican eyeball massage from the softest local pirate. He had hair like a lady.

by Hunky bear junior June 18, 2022