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Hobby ADD

The inability to remain focused and adequately amused on one hobby at a time.

Man, I'm selling my DJ stuff - I hate Hobby ADD!

by TheMitchster December 7, 2019

The Hobby

Opening CS:GO (soon CS2) cases wasting copious amounts of money gambling for a minute chance of obtaining something exceptional. Popularized by German Twitch Streamer and skin enjoyer ohnePixel as a excuse to fuel his gambling addiction.

Person: "Only one more case, it's gonna be gold this time!!" *Unboxing Noises* Gold appears "LET'S GO!!! THE HOBBY IS PAYING OFF!!!!"

by A random CS enjoyer May 6, 2023


hobbies that people pick up and practice during quarantine.

"jacking off is a really fun q-hobby"

by 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 July 21, 2020

The Hobbie Realms

A message board designed to making stupid, filthy n00bs feel like they're good, and a place where lives are wasted. (Cosmo)

The Hobbie Realms is constructed on the formation of sweating the nuts of "the Big 4" and felching much ass.

by WergMiserFunTime January 17, 2004

Hobby Mouth

When a crackhead is so off their face that they start a fight with with her kid.

Jenny is a hobby mouth

by SteveStevenson February 4, 2023

hobby dollars

Hobby Dollars are money spent on things that get classified as an investment but in reality have a very low probability of making any sort of return whatsoever. Instead, people spend Hobby Dollars for entertainment and the ability to participate in a culture outside of their actual carriers. This can be seen clearly in the Equestrian Industry.

A - "Hey, I just invested $100,000.00 in a new a horse! "
B - "You mean you just spent $100,000.00 in Hobby Dollars. You and I both know that horse is never going to pay for itself."

by Pyned September 24, 2015


A certain activity in which you take pride and entertainment in doing

i have a hobby of taking kids and putting them in my basement

by pogboy2000 March 27, 2022