Source Code

70 percent rule

Made by a wise historical figure by the name of Jacob Taylor in the mid 16th century.

When you're talking to any girl in general before you’re in a relationship with them, you can only give them 70 percent.

Not following the 70 percent rule can result in them leaving due to you being too invested and “attached”

Person 1: “I was talking with this girl everyday for the past month and she just stopped responding for some reason”

Jacob Taylor: “you didn’t give her the 70 percent rule man”

by BirdyFly66 May 25, 2024

it's the 70's down there

AKA i have alot of pubic hair

(for refrence: in the 70's people went all natural and didn't care to shave)

kyle: so girl, we still on tonight? ;)

pamela:sure, just gimme time . it's the 70's down there

kyle: i'm a grown ass man, some hair wont stop me girl

by kirochan12 June 10, 2017

C5 B2 BF A1 A4 13 DD 16 F2 6D 31 C0 F2 ED 47 20 DC FB 06 70

PlayStation 3 root key found by geohot(iPhone hacker)
can be used to sign games to run on the ps3
from Wikipedia(summarized):
Sony removed the ability to install another operating system in the 3.21 firmware update. This event caused backlash among the hacker communities, and eventually the group Fail0verflow found a flaw in the generation of encryption keys which they leveraged to restore the ability to install Linux. George Hotz (Geohot) later created the first homebrew signed using the private "metldr" encryption key which he leaked onto the internet. The action of leaking the key led to Hotz being sued by Sony.

At the 2010 Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, a group calling itself fail0verflow announced it had succeeded in bypassing a number of the PlayStation 3's security measures, allowing unsigned code to run without a dongle. They also announced that it was possible to recover the Elliptic Curve DSA private key used by Sony to sign software. The release of this key would allow anyone to sign their code and therefore be able to run it on any PlayStation 3 console. This would also mean that no countermeasures could be taken by Sony without rendering old software useless, as there would be no distinction between official and homebrew software. On January 3, 2011, geohot published the aforementioned private key, represented in hexadecimal as C5 B2 BF A1 A4 13 DD 16 F2 6D 31 C0 F2 ED 47 20 DC FB 06 70, as well as a Hello world program for the PS3.

I need a example for this so
James: hey what games r u buying on the ps3
matt: I don't need to buy any games as I download and burn them to Blu rays
heres the encryption key C5 B2 BF A1 A4 13 DD 16 F2 6D 31 C0 F2 ED 47 20 DC FB 06 70.
James: thanks ill buy some blank blu rays and start burning

by YourLocalAsian June 14, 2022