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Grimace from McDonald's is our lord and savior. Drink his almighty Grimace Shake. Worship only Grimace. Worship no one else. If you do, he'll hunt you down. We must give Grimace a sacrifice. Give him one of those Chicken McNuggets. Give him the fries. Give him the Big Mac, and give him ourselves. Give him Ronald McDonald.

Grimace is love. Grimace is life.

by SupremeMarinoSiblings69 September 20, 2023


justa little purple guy

person 1-“happy birthday grimace!”
person 2- “who’s grimace?”
person 1- “justa little purple guy

by nope bye July 3, 2023


Justa litttle purple guyy

Grimace is a sweet taste bud from McDonalds!

by Cleo from H2O July 2, 2023


A socially and physically awkward person that appears to lack confidence. They are typically into comic books and other activities that may be deemed uncool by the majority of people. Typically, they are into scientific, technological, and mathematical pursuits, and may seem dull or boring, because they try to talk about these subjects in everyday conversation.

I was trying to find a book in the library, when I saw a couple of {grimaces} playing D&D in the corner.

by GNAWDY G January 23, 2012


Alternate name for the use of the Plan B contraceptive pill.

Also, The purple dude from McDonald's that eats children.

"The condom popped so I had to grimace the bitch"

by Saturniidae January 28, 2023


When you go camping and set up a pop up tent for private bathroom. Drinking too much while camping causes you to fall while trying to get your belt off and the entire tent falls over with you. Observers note it resembles Grimace falling over. Can also be be applied for someone tripping while changing in pop up tent for on site wardrobe changes.

Try not to Grimace on your trip to the outhouse.

by ShameDoe October 29, 2018


When you’re acting or looking like you’re pressed or being boring and have people pity you

Why you being such a grimace

He’s such a grimace

by Skunty baiii July 3, 2023