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glicken bake

When you penetrate a Kirkland signature chicken bake with a Costco hotdog

Person A: I was thinking of hitting the soup kitchen tonight… I haven’t eaten in 3 days and the fent is wearing off
Person B: nah fam just head to Costco and get that signature Glicken bake

by Mormon Jesus June 15, 2024

Wake, bake, and shake

When you wake up, smoke weed, and immediately wack one out

“Man I had to wake, bake, and shake today before I did anything else

by Ted Fundy February 6, 2022

cookie baking

An arrangement with a bro to fuck each others mother

Jason and I were baking some coockies yesterday, it was some fine cookie baking.

by iets December 3, 2018

Sunfeast Baked Creations

Your perfect gourmet companion. Makes for a great +1 on all days — bright and gloomy alike. ❤
Never out of warm, cheesy moments that make you smile. Created to fulfill your darkest fantasies with sugar and spice and everything nice. 😉

“I so deserve an indulgent treat! I’m ordering something from ITC Sunfeast Baked Creations"

by ITC-SBC November 24, 2021