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Business Hour Boyfriend

When the only time the girl can talk to you is when she is at work and you’re exes but she still wants something, She seems interested until she leaves work for other men and alcohol. Sometimes as a bonus in the evenings she will talk when her getting divorced bf has his kids. She gets lonely then and knows you care and will talk to her.

Emily still loves him but he’s just the business hour boyfriend dnow bc she is talking to someone else but she still wants him around so she can get attention and knows he loved her.

by Mittyymm December 15, 2018

decaf five hour energy

trash (like you :O)

your mom: hey want some decaf five hour energy?
me: no, that's garbage... Just like you

by ayo sussy balls November 10, 2022

Urban Rush Hour

The period of time when hipsters and other various types of people attempt to post a certain number of definitions. Also used for rush hour in the city.

Bob: 'Why has James been posting things all day?'
Carl: 'It's just a phase, Urban Rush Hour, nut it will be over soon enough.'

by funkfactor March 27, 2013

romantic hour

The time of day where one typically has sexual intercouse or masturbates

"I'm going upstairs, it's near the romantic hour"

by Madboi6666 November 29, 2015

cooning hours

the time of night when it's acceptable, allowed and encouraged to "coon" or steal things. from 2:30 AM to 5:00 AM

I snagged a bunch of handles from fiji's house during cooning hours last night.

by boneboy24 September 9, 2017

Ghosting Hour

Disappearance of someone. Conversation Dead.

When someone is talking to you, you don't hear from them forever. "Ghosting hour"

by GraphicDemon September 16, 2019

Sad Sturke Hours

when a nibba or whigga from Sturke feels depressed/sad. Can Occur at any time of the day when the nibba (or Whigga) is feeling miserable and low. (also include Dank Children from Ekh)

Fläsk is having "Sad Sturke Hours" when he wakes up middle of the night and start kicking his wall multiple times.

by Jonas_Tejpbit January 24, 2018