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A country in Africa where all the alpha males live in, BECUASE ITS SUCH A GOOD COUNTRY.

Gigachad: I live in Chad

by A really big weirdo September 7, 2022


If you are a chad, you must act chadful

wow, this video is absoloutly chadful!
i apologize, chadly

the chaddest
wow, your cat is sooo chadful!
no, my biceps is chadfuler
this was the chaddest day today
chadly car
chadly year


in this example we have

---y y---
what you do:
you mix it up, cause we saucy

by Eriasuy May 6, 2022

Fuck chad in the ass

When a man has no patience to ask another guy if he wants to have intercourse with eachother so the first guy says out loud: mmm I wanna fuck chad in the ass.

Guy 1: I Wanna Fuck Chad in The ass so much!
Guy 2: Ayoo, wtf!?

by JAckisNotJoSEf May 6, 2024

National Chad Day

On December 17th, we represent National Chad Day. A Chad is any male that displays high levels of entertainment among other men and is willing to risk it all for a good laugh

Dude 1: Did you hear what happened to Jack?
Dude 2: No
Dude 1: He put a thumbtack on the teachers chair!
Dude 2: No way! He's such a Chad.
Dude 1: Post him on your story and tag National Chad Day

by Chad69420lol November 19, 2021

Chad Stern


Chad Stern Is Great

by Sherlock_elite November 29, 2021

chad chenle

zhong chenle’s best photocard. his nct dream mfal photocard mirror selca is quite simply smashing and shows off his inner 14 year old chad self


by aaiyutaa July 22, 2021

chad bread

An absoulute chadical piece of slice, you'd definetely want to try and savor this lil gift to earth. A chad bread is commonly found in the suburbs of Franklin Falls or sometimes even in a locker room. All you need to know about chad bread is that you want it. come get it YA'LL

"Yo megan, you see that male guy over there? Sitting in the corner facing the wall over there? Yea that guy, I'd definetely need a slippity of slice of that chad bread"

by enthusiastoflibrarians June 24, 2022