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pancake gravy

The sweat under a fat mans boobs.

"Dude, you are really sweaty, what happens when your moobs get sweaty?"
"Oh, i get pancake gravy, it smells weird"

by IAmDillChicken January 12, 2017

Pancake brothers

Two men who take turns lying on top of each other with their penis inserted in the other’s anus.

Bryan and Taylor are pancake brothers.

by Zzyzx June 13, 2024

Ghetto Pancake

Very thick but still taste good

I like Aunt Jemima because she has ghetto pancakes

by Dxnoir00 March 27, 2018

cranberry pancakes

cranberry pancakes is a food made from cranberries in a pancake

Cranberry pancakes are eaten

by Limboy April 20, 2018

cranberry pancakes

To make pancakes out of cranberries

Cranberry pancakes “ to eat berries of the pan

by Limboy April 20, 2018

Grundle Pancake

A severly trashy, shallow, and slutty female. Who is extremely kinky and of whom everyone hates.

Q: How kinky are you on a scale from 0 to Alyssa?
A: Grundle Pancake.

Did you see Miley Cyrus at the Teen Choice Awards? Shes a total Grundle Pancake.

by Milk Girl <3 February 24, 2010

Cock pancake

Pancake with a rooster

I love cock pancakes!

by Mm.lol.pablo April 21, 2017