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lead generator

Another term for "phishing scammers" or "data harvesters". Those who host online ads and pop-ups trying to get you to click on things and give away personal details so they can sell them on for profit.

One of the leading lead generators in advertising is our call centre

by hiddenmarketer July 13, 2019

General Kenobi

The correct response to the phrase "Hello There"

"Hello There" "General Kenobi. You are a bold one."

by emordnalip January 27, 2022

generative materialism

Paradigm that elements of feeling (figmas) have a bijective relationship with elements of thought (psychometers) in a closed-system.

The idea that the immune system subjects discrete lines-of-thought to a bending force between supersymmetry and perception-resolution.

In generative materialism your thoughts share a 1-to-1 relationship with elements of your immune system--figmas--such that your immune system bends your elements of thought before they reach perception-resolution (object-grammetry).

Thus; you are meeting elements of your immune system in a drug-induced hallucination.

by metastatic November 22, 2021

Generation W

a) Whereas in an environment of monotonic encouragement of decreasing neoplasm, as might be expected in a world of finite resources, if one considers variation in the degree to which life has imitations in prior art - as maybe befits the accumulation of theoretically applied interest in that branch of learning - the simplicity of this clause may have its origins elsewhere. However, given advances in technology that far outstrips the capability of naive cultural checks and balances thought to ensure at least one smooth transition across the decades without sudden uncontrollable deviation in the ratio of culpability : credulity and wealth : quality of life (versus the chains of drug action and the deprivation of freedom), there is a distinct lacking of simplicity once any description of the degree to which art imitates science is acknowledged. The thesis of this paragraph becomes that the only iota of eponymous explanation that provides greatest granularity once general enough to encompass the disjoint rejoins of the resulting phase spaces must therefore become attributable only to that one thing or synthesis, if and only if the observer knows or knew well enough a member or a group of members of Generation W, i.e. the cohort prior to Generation X: Generation W.

b) The source of all hypotheses concerning the creation of content for radio stations.

"Have you seen this video of Trump's karaoke version of Waltzing Matilda?"
"Yeah! He totally violated that song. And good luck to him, for he cannot act nor sing!"
"Right on. Shall I ask them to turn the noise down?"
"It may not be too late. However, I believe that the DJ may be in league with Generation W."

by Haricovert August 19, 2020


Having achieved the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal or desirable.

"Maji doesn't need to adjust. She is L.A. time zone. But I'm a bit more... generate."

by Ec1ipze March 19, 2022

Nissan Skyline Generation 11

The Nissan Skyline Generation 11 (Gen 11 Skyline) not to be confused with the Infiniti G35, is a vehicle made by Nissan, of course. The drivers of this vehicle are weeaboo virgins who refuse to get a girlfriend and are secretly gay for eren jager or sum like that

Person 1: "Yo is that a Infiniti G35?
Person 2: "No its a supped up gen 11 skyline with a guy with a neckbeard and the car has weeaboo hentai stickers all over it."
Person 1: "I feel so bad for that mans mother and whoever his girlfriend may be."
Person 2: "Bro what girlfriend?"
Person 1: "Yeah you right."

This is where i put the word in the sentence
Nissan Skyline Generation 11

by TheBat227 February 25, 2022

General No Send Me

A person is usually a guy who used to rock with you and now pretends you don't exist. To" send" is the equivalent of I fuck with you,

it's Chris avoiding eye contact, we saw a movie last week but today he is General no send me.

by liveyourchayraa March 21, 2022