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The Musket Loader

When you shit in your partners mouth and stuff the shit down her throat with your dick.

Guy 1: Carson gave Jessie The Musket Loader last night.
Guy2: Nice bro

by Dic Handle January 10, 2020

Mississippi musket loader

When you’re fucking a girl in the ass:

1 pull your dick out
2 take the dip out of your mouth
3 put it in the asshole
4 put your dick back in stuffing it into the anus

I gave Sarah a Mississippi musket loader last night.

by Mr vanilla wafer December 4, 2020

1👍 2👎

Torpedo Loader

Slang for a gay slut who bottoms, common in the roblox Zeppelin Wars community.

"Did you hear Aqua talking about how many guys he's been with?"

"I know, he's a serious torpedo loader."

by ZeppelinWarsFan32 November 30, 2022

speed loader


I use a speed loader when I am on the rag.

by themiss2001@yahoo.com February 26, 2011

goafer loader

A lazy ginger beard man, who loooves criminal minds, and has a hard time performing simple work tasks.

Loader the "Goafer Loader" doesn't feel like contributing at work today due to the fact series 2 episode 3 has too many twists and turns to leave the work desk.

by Monty1013 June 15, 2024