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Something used to make the effects of a substance stronger.

Some say lemon juice and benadryl work as potentiators for poppy pod tea.

by Cdantz February 20, 2015

Throwdown potential

If someone has throwdown potential it means they look like they are able to throw you down! They are assertive and don't take any shit!

I would date him; he's got so much throwdown potential!

by Dicko1607 May 24, 2017

Postal Potential

A collogue or former coworkers potential to return to their former place of employment to reenact a Columbine like event.

Wow. Watch out when that guy gets laid off. His Postal Potential is very high.

by billardbb January 15, 2009

Bitch Potential

When someone is known to bail on their friends and let them down. Also someone that gets easily manipulated by others.

Everyone said yes to the party, but Sebastian might bail at the last minute, he has bitch potential.

by Bigpapacito September 18, 2021

Potential quote

A person who gives his best, there is always a bigger potential inside him which truly shows his true color. Never underestimate other people greatness

“ This guy is such a loser. He is useless.”
“ You cant say stuff like that when you haven't seen his true potential. He is living for potential quote

by Noah147 January 11, 2022

potential ghosting

The ghosting of what could’ve been, such as a potential girlfriend or friend, when ghosted is being potentially ghosted.

"I can’t believe that hot model potentially ghosted me, could’ve been sum real nice"…"Potential ghosting sucks"

by Hey it’s Donald December 21, 2022

Explosive potential

When somthing is a really good idea and should be carried out.

James: want to explore that abandoned hotel tonight?
George : Explosive Potential!!!!!

by Jamierez April 20, 2017