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Punk rock skater

someone that skates and listens to punk rock! my god sum people label people so much like when people say chav and goth its so gay

i label people before evenin knowin them and in some peoples cases even seein them for example that random dude is a punk rock skater

by ? March 26, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punk Rock Chick

A few words to describe the most awsome chick in the world. She listens to good music and loves the Strokes.

Damn Selene your my Little Punk Rock Chick.

by Brady Shannon September 21, 2004

50๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

punk rock points

n--similar to street cred or comicred: indicates punkredibilty, but usually ironic: 1. for calling out posers 2. for calling out someone 'in the scene' who's putting on 'old school' airs

Right, dude, buying all your clothes from Hot Topic just earns you loads of punk rock points. (first usage)

Yeah, Mike thinks he's soooo cool, like he's got the high score in punk rock points, or something. (second usage)

by bodhibound November 3, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punk Rock Guido

Italian American who is a fan and a street renegade punk with a true Italian last name

oh that kid Lukas Balducci hes one Punk Rock guido man hes a spectacle!

by renegadeninja123 June 20, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punk rock skater

Someone who listens to bands like blink182 and greenday. wears baggy jeans and baggy tops, usualy a huddy with the name of one of the above bands on. skateboards.

cant think of one so meh!

by Gary September 28, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punk Rock Chick

A girl between the ages 10-15 who listens to bands like Good Charlotte, Green Day, and Linkin Park, assuming that it's real music, and thinking that Hot Topic is the store for underground culture. Completely contradictory in the fact that anyone who listens to real punk or lives the lifestyle would be completely against having a label for it.

I sodomized a punk rock chick with her Taking Back Sunday albums.

by hitlers favorite nipple biter October 11, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž

Part Time Punk Rock

Someone that dresses like a Punk Rocker or hard core at night or on weekends, but only with easily removable and undetectable accessories (i.e. fauxhawk) and usually without piercings or tattoos so that he or she may return to the work place or other group setting without appearing to have a Punk Rock affiliation or be a fan.

Janet said she saw her room mate at a party with a fauxhawk, and a leather studded jacket but parts his hair on the left with his corduroy jacket when he goes out with his choir friends. if he was really punk he would have a Mohawk. must suck to be Part Time Punk Rock.

by NorthCalScooter July 24, 2009