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mexican alarm clock

Drinking large amounts of plain tap water before going to sleep so as to be waken up by the urge to urinate.

Pedro wound up his mexican alarm clock with half a gallon of water.

by sh0gg0th March 30, 2007

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Alaskan Alarm-Clock

Pioneered in ice fishing camps in the far north, an Alaskan Alarm-Clock involves a male submersing his penis in frigid water, then cock-slapping a sleeping friend/spouse/significant other.

My girlfriend is so hungover, I'm gonna have to Alaskan Alarm-Clock her just to make me breakfast.

by ilikeclassyhoes December 29, 2011

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colombian alarm clock

When someone wakes you up by putting cocaine up your nose

"We woke her up with a "colombian alarm clock" now she's ready to party"

by Brittany bitch October 20, 2013

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salty alarm clock

The act of blowing your load in your' still sleeping girlfriends eye.

"When I woke up this morning with morning wood that bitch was still sleeping, basically begging for the salty alarm clock."

by Nick Bockwinkle March 31, 2008

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Cock Alarm Clock

When your girlfriend is a late sleeper so you have sex with her whenever you wake up so she is up for the rest of the day. the sex alarm clock

Shawn's girlfriend is a late sleeper so when he woke up at ten and used his cock alarm clock on his girlfriend to wake her up for the day.

by sexyclock May 31, 2011

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nagasaki alarm clock

Its waking your partner up by spraying diarrhea directly onto their face.

She shit on my dick during sex, so I gave her a Nagasaki alarm clock!

by Apfsds November 16, 2020

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Strawberry Alarm Clock

When your girls alarm clock goes off way to early, so you punch her in the nose and then make it up to her by jizzing on her face.

It was 4:30am and my girlfriends alarm clock was going off non stop so I gave her a strawberry alarm clock, that woke her up.

by Steven11242 March 10, 2011

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