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artificial cop

Person trained to aim guns, shoot guns, wears a cop uniform, and hold a position in a police officers unit, but doesn't do their job. Looks at the protestutes, doesn't really have the nose for suspecting anything fishie while something fishie is going on. Doesn't just like donuts, but likes little kids too. Usually grubby hands. Will let people he knows that speed or do drugs go if catches them, like coke heads or a jock with a nice vehicle. Or an insane or insane jock in a nice vehicle.

That cop knew me because I played baseball with his son in school, and when he like caught me with coke he let me go, because he said he knew me.

Artificial cop.

by europopian August 26, 2009

Artificial death in the west

An artificial death in the west is when she shoots pussy through your chest and you die.

Person 1: hey did you hear what happened to Tom?
Person 2: nah bro.
Person 1: he got an artificial death in the west.
Person 2: oh no.

by Thickdickrick July 1, 2023

Artificial Play-doh

When you ejaculate into your ancestor's ashes and let the ashes get wet and doughy and use it as play-doh

Me: I just busted a nut into my grandma's urn and I use it as Artificial Play-doh

Friend: What the fuck.

by Im outside your window May 10, 2021

Artificial face

A person's face with excessive amount of makeup or , with no specific facial expression.

An artificial face that is over-tanned or with extra amounts of fondyuten.

by Bearded Guy February 11, 2011

artificially black

Artificially Black is when non-black people artificially change their skin tones. Mostly white people commit to this.

“Hey did you see Jessica the other day?”
“No why?”
“She’s Artificially Black now”
Oh shit

by therealblackie June 29, 2021

Artificially high

When you are so excited to the point were you can barely control yourself. You can even lose the sense of touch for a second.

Dang dude I wish I could be Artificially high like that!”

by xX_Boss_Xx December 19, 2017

Artificial Brain Hosting

Artificial Brain Hosting: The process of transplanting a human brain into an artificially generated body created through computer algorithms and advanced technologies. This process aims to extend human lifespan and enhance physical abilities beyond biological limitations.

The idea of artificial brain hosting has sparked much debate among scientists and ethicists as it blurs the lines between human and machine.

by Phieyl February 4, 2023