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Anal sex is getting the dish dirty
Vaginal sex is the pre rinse
Oral sex is the final wash
Hand job is the drying process.

“Hey babe, let’s try the dishwasher tonight!”

by DunkMyDonuts October 18, 2021


When a female takes a shot of alcohol, but does not swallow, and proceeds to make out with a male. The male and female french kiss while mixing the shot between the two mouths. After some time, the male will swallow the shot, thus completing the dishwasher cycle.

Bro, last night I was at the bar and some random girl came up to me and gave me a dishwasher. We made out for like a whole ass minute.

by Cannonba11s April 29, 2023

Automatic Dishwasher

The perfect woman.

I wish I had an automatic dishwasher so I didn't have to beat mine whenever shit needed to get done.

by Radical_Feminism July 26, 2016