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providing the brown

The person who is receiving penetrative anal sex is ‘providing the brown’. This is this is similar, but different, to someone who is providing the pink.

Partner 1: “Do you like to receive anal sex?”
Partner 2: “Yeah, I love providing the brown.”

by JFDI November 29, 2015

provide thee succ

Very famous sentence spoken by a random Dark Souls 3 character that could be really misunderstood if used out of context, especially because the character that uses this expression is a thot

"If I can PROVIDE THEE SUCCour, only tell me how"

by provide thee succ August 16, 2017

Providence Classical Academy

A school filled with bigots and privileged white people. They also bring in pedophiles and people who still accept slavery and communism as teachers.

Dude, please never go to Providence Classical Academy it sucks ass.

by Baguettes and bread November 3, 2021

The providence twister

The providence twister is when you wrap your legs around a girl, twist your dick up, and cum. When you cum, it sprays out in a twister way. Of course its from rhode island

"Yo Johnny i used the providence twister on that slut Sally!"

"Dude. Thats my sister..."
"Dude i know, were brothers.."

by joemama12345433467654567654345 November 8, 2020


What Afas is meant to do, but fails to do repeatedly

For example, “afas, please can you provide chicken choking for me?” “Yes”. And then, he fails to do so.

by Cb9000 October 27, 2022

Cox service provider

When you pimp out your gay friend to the homies

Your friend is cute. You wanna talk to him?
Oh my god your such a cox service provider!

by Clickbait592 May 14, 2019