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It's a Sprout

Something you say after being annoyed/throwing a fit. You can blame it on Sprout, since it's too good.

Jaw Crusher: And we have lost 18 trophies so far- NO FRANK!! Ok Frank, ok Frank, come on come on come on Frank! MMMHH!! I'm just gonna- I'm gonna contain it, you know, you gotta deal with randoms sometimes, you know, you know? It's- it's a Sprout, soo... OK (inhales) ok aah ok... so that wraps that up.

by captaincto January 4, 2022

Sprouted Dick

When you bread and deep fry your own penis.

I was making dinner for this chick. I was gonna make chicken parmigiana, but decided to bread my own wang and give her the ole Sprouted Dick.

by Sweats11537 September 1, 2019


In sexual intercourse: the engorgement of feminine/female sex organs.

Typically in reference to the clitoris swelling and protruding from under it's hood and/or becoming erect.

As she lady back and began playing with her nipples, her labia became puffy and her clit jumped and pulsed before sprouting into full view as her wetness gushed and puddled under her ass

by Professor 214 February 21, 2023


When your hair gets spiky after a long day

Person 1: hey dude, you’re sprouting again
Person 2: yeah I know.

by KamiEatsPeaches December 3, 2021

Bean Sprout Treatment

The fabled "Bean Sprout Treatment" is an experiment where a subject is stuffed with bean sprouts into every hole (yes, even genitals and nose holes).
In some countries, this is even practiced weekly.

Let's try the Bean Sprout Treatment.
Hell no man what the fuck!?

by Epicman73 September 12, 2023