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task manager

that app you open when another app forgets how to work

ah fuck, chrome froze, guess it's time to open task manager

by TechNerd22 November 30, 2021


To do multiple tasks at once, not really putting in much concentration nor effort.

I had so much to do yesterday that I was only semi-tasking most of it, so I basically got nothing done.

by Shortimous December 23, 2017


Showering/pooping while drinking a beer and simultaneously bopping the bishop "masturbating".

Tom was short on time so he decided to go tri-tasking.

by Porno-corndog9 April 16, 2010


To do more shit at one time than humanly possible.

Friend; What up bro?
Resonse; Are you kidding. Been quantum-tasking to get homework done and keep the boss happy..

by Sparky286 December 20, 2014

task troll

A task troll is someone with a limited understanding of a discussion yet maintains their authority by sending opponents on spurious and pointless tasks in order to evade engagement in the discussion. An aura of superiority can be achieved with little or no substantial credibility. It may "buy time" or lead to one's opponent being exhausted after doing the heavy work.

The task troll wasn't sure how to respond in our debate so he asked me to read five particular academic papers and report back. I doubt he's read even a single paper among thousands that deal with this matter.

by Essar May 16, 2014

Wikaphase Task Force

idk fr lol

lil peep said “wikaphase task force” and i was lost for words

by fuckoffrip January 27, 2022

I.T.F. (Imaginary Task Force)

The task force agents that are only visible by tweakers. The ITF is like the DTF (Drug Task Force) in some ways, but they hold different credentials, as in, the ITF are shapeshifters and they usually go away when you eat and go to sleep. The ITF sets up surveillance through power lines, radios, outlets, microwaves, etc. Aluminum hats are only thing that can interfere with the signals. And they are unable to see you if you peek out the blinds. Also, the ITF usually are hiding out in trees or bushes outside a tweakers garage and most certainly outside their sheds.

Shhhh…be quiet yo. The I.T.F. (Imaginary Task Force) is here and listening to us through the vents.

by Holytweak June 30, 2024