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Sass Thumb

Sass thumb: a electronic response by only a single thumbs up.

When someone is annoyed at the message and replies with a single thumbs up emoji.

Steph: well I'm talking to my ex boyfriend
Dak: 'replies with a sass thumb'
Steph: why did you just reply with a thumb reaction?
Dak: (2 hours later) that was sass thumb

by Zenmang December 9, 2020

Sandy Thumb

When a construction worker with roof hands man handles the bean with his sandy thumb.

I met a chick at the moose lodge and I gave her the Sandy Thumb

by Andoad6 March 5, 2022

thumbing around

to poke around in your pants, usually with your thumb. Can refer to masturbation.

Bro my dad walked in on me thumbing around, fucking unreal

by ryan bambi November 29, 2010

Cutlip’s Thumb

When you’re born without thumbs, so the doctors use a deceased bodies big toes to supplement your missing thumbs.

You can’t even notice that you suffered from Cutlip’s thumb when you were younger.

by Thumb Doctor January 16, 2021

chuck thumbs

To use thumb chucks in a competitive manner

Hey man wanna go chuck thumbs after school?

by King lewy the third December 27, 2017

Grr thumb

The inability of the thumb to function properly after completing 78 laps on Monaco in F1 game with a controller.
Usually lasts for 5 minutes.

Why did you get a 10s penalty for corner cutting, is it your grr thumb?

by Nuttella_maker October 22, 2023