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Flippin' Pancakes

The act of having intercourse with a man or woman possessing a rather flat ass.

"Dude where were you?!"

"Sorry man me and my girl had to head home. On the brightside, I was Flippin' Pancakes all night long."

by OwMyBodyHurt January 15, 2021

pancake wrapper

( Preferably a guy ), who is into girls with flat/no butts.

Cole: Hey dude, did you see Dylan riding that one chic last night?

Andrew: Yeah man, she has no ass! Hahaha

Cole: He likes them pancake booties! Hahaha

Andrew: He's such a hardcore pancake wrapper.

by Spit hand February 10, 2015

xanax pancake

The crushed up circular powder pile made when you crush up xanax or other benzos, by covering the pill with a bill and smashing it. Usually with a Bic lighter.

Dude, she didn't even line it up, she snorted the xanax pancake.

by Very curiouser January 29, 2016