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Dirt dragon

The act of spontaneous, and with little hesitation, engaging another human in a sexual way or in general that will hopefully lead to future sexual activities. This can be in a passive or aggressive manner.

That Bob is over there dirt dragon away.

by Resetit April 18, 2020

dirt plunger

An insult to call your friends

You are a peace of dirt
Your a plunger (poop uncloger)

dirt plunger

You are a filthy dirt plunger

by DIRT PLUNGER January 9, 2016

Virginia Dirt Hippo

noun- a tube shaped, low to the ground mammal with a chubby exterior that drags the ground.

“ Ma! There’s something fartin in the bushes!” “ Now Billy don’t go near that tooth gobblin fart sack, that’s a Virginia dirt hippo.”

by Fiddlincheddar November 28, 2018

Dirt waldadash

A type of waldadash that lives, procreates and bends dirt. They live in dirt burrows and make holes in the ground. (like avatar the last airbender) and craves human flesh.

The best way to escape a dirt waldadash is to jump in a burrow. And if it is an air one, THEN YOU'RE FUCKED

by Don't fucking do it November 22, 2020

Dirt Dog

The name you would give to the maddest BMX rider ever! but specifically given to a dirt jump ride defiantly not a park Rat. The rider that you give this name to must be able to do these tricks a table,whip,moto whip and an ET.

oi you comming to shred the trails ya Dirt dog!

oi you throw the maddest tables ya dirt dog

thats a sweet takeoff man i might have to call you a dirt dog

by Dewy Da Cactus November 8, 2018

dirt moving dick

One who moves dirt for a living, drinks, fight, fucks and does drugs when on the road, usually has an old lady at home with kids.

Look at that Brytan guy he’s such a dirt moving dick! But he’s cute thosploosh

by 1234125 May 15, 2018

dirt pusher

A landscaper or gardener

Dirt Pusher: "I'm a fully qualified Landscape Horticulture Technician!"
"You're so full of of yourself, you're a dirt pusher"

by Not Sure About That April 22, 2020