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Skibidi bucks

The currency used and issued in the country of goonville

Yo bro you still owe me skibidi bucks from when I bought you something

by Goooof balllll April 16, 2024

Skibidi bucks

Skibidi bucks a type of currency of the city of Skibiditopia.

Hey man lets go exchange our USD for Skibidi bucks

by THE EVIL DARK LORD April 18, 2024

Logan buck

American Name; Means : I have no dad and have anger issues.

Dude I feel like such a Logan buck!

by Astrawire July 18, 2024

Twenty bucks

When you’ve got that one family friend always Feining for the gear but always spends his money at the other dealers house.

Has a shit hit cause the gear he was sold is shit.

Then comes to you and has a sook saying he needs some good drugs….. you tell him you have the killer but how much cash does he have

He turns and says “twenty bucks”

Always wants the ticcy ticcy for the thicky thicky

Great person at heart and very loyal to friends and family. Loves to get real cooked and send everyone of his guy friend dick pics and loves a good tin foil hat.

Has always good intentions with all he does but can be so annoying thinking he is helping.

Get himself more fried then southern style deep fried chicken.

Always chasing fanny but rarely succeeding in the chase.

In pay day he always fixes up his tic. Some times he might be short “twenty bucks”

Hey bro I’m hanging for some more drugs but don’t have much coin, can you do me a point?

I only got “twenty bucks

by Sonicishectic November 9, 2022

Gay Joe Buck

The dude who has to jerk it in the background while his girl gets Eiffel Towered by you and your buddy Schug

Mr Sizer was happy to become Gay Joe Buck when Becca became drunk at the station

by Richard Dangles October 28, 2020


The multi purpose term for the g-buck currency. One g-buck has no value in USD, but large social value. One g-buck could get you a whole dabkin at a house party. But not to be confused with a moma G-Buck, those can only be used at the G buckinators dwelling,

"Damn dude, Robin gave me a dabkin for a whole g-buck, in the gimp suit!"

by Xan Marino December 28, 2022

big buck

mmmmm... creammmmmyyyy

mmmmmmm... he looks like he has a big buck

by professional dumbass January 26, 2021