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Coffee Drama

The melee that ensues while everyone is trying to access the coffee and personalize their cup to their liking. Also when the grounds end up in the pot or coffee overflows onto the counter. or the disgust one feels the the pot is empty and they did not get a cup.

Mega coffee drama this morning, we were out of creamer and I had to wait for the second pot.

by c2l2 September 4, 2022

Coffee chick

A "Coffee Chick" is a girl that will always be willing to know everything that is happening in your girlfriends life. Such as your private sex life, inter-relationship arguments and e.t.c. Your girlfriend's Coffee Chick will address herself as your friend, but always approaches you with a glare.

The vise-versa (a Boyfriend's guy friend), is often referred to as a "Beer Buddy" or "Beer Bud". This friend will listen, but often will be drunk so forgets it the next day. Or her doesn't care.

A gay man, who is best-friends with your girlfriend, is a "Coffee Guy"... same thing.

Coffe Chick: C'mon... Tell me. What happened with John last night?!

Mary: He doesn't want me to tell you.

Coffee Chick: Don't listen to him! I'm your Coffee Chick!

Mary: Okay! Okay! Well... Last night, John sorta... You know.

Coffee Chick: Again?! He needs to... Control that.

Mary: I know. *chuckles.

Coffee Chick: Hahahahaha!

They both break out in laughter.

by KoRnMeal;( July 11, 2012

1👍 2👎

Meh cuppa coffee

A loser with no future and will die alone

Are you meh cuppa coffee

by Gunnerbummer76 July 25, 2021

Coffee Wanker

A person perpetually searching for 'proper coffee', someone who shuns normal coffee and often enters into conversation about "horrible coffee that doesn't really taste like coffee". Often trendy in looks and generally nice outside of caffeine related conversation.

That twat there looks like a right coffee wanker.

by keepittea March 13, 2022

Tilt the Coffee

A idiom which means trying to tilt coffee.

Guy: Let's Tilt the Coffee!

by ecks of dee August 11, 2018

First we drink the coffee then we do the things

This is a useful phrase for any situation. Memes depict actors or people drinking coffee, so it is applicable. One of the best is the bridge of the Starship Enterprise where Captain Kirk, Sulu, and the navigator are drinking coffee on their shift.

First we drink the coffee then we do the things. coffee

by MyComputerMan July 15, 2017