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Stone Beef

When you get a boner due to watching a cooking program.

I was watching masterchef when i suddenly got my Stone beef.

by Ginger_hater_69420 April 25, 2018

Stone Bone

An erection achieved while high on marijuana

"Babe I have a massive Stone Bone right now lmao" Dom texted to his girlfriend

by Snowcial September 11, 2017

stone wrecker

Stone wrecker - the bitch or dude that won't shut the fuck up when your trying to enjoy your high. The ones that won't stop talking or stop bitching.

Omg blah blah blah blah bitch blah blah blah bitch blah blah blah . STFU your being a stone wrecker. Or your home girl coming bitching about stupid shit and u just don't want to hear it when your high and just wanna watch family guy. STFU stone wrecker.

by Buzz killer March 23, 2014

stone sour

Stone Sour is an Alternative Metal band from Des Moines, Iowa and the Second band of Slipknot Frontman Corey Taylor

One of my favorite Stone Sour Songs is Absolute Zero

by LtManiax February 18, 2017

stoned quiche

a group of poeple who like to fuck and smoke lots of weed. normally consist of a griffin chloe emma and a harry.

they know how to surf too.

that group is the stoned quiche.

by my g girl yep September 19, 2017

Stone Skipping

A series of progressively slower and quieter farts that sounds like a stone skipping across the water.

Tommy: Damn, what was that like five in a row?

Spencer: Hell yeah bro you know I be stone skipping

by timyord June 6, 2020

unroll the stone

To get out of bed, especially after a long period of sleeping.

I was up much of last night partying, so it was nearly 2pm before I decided to unroll the stone today.

by Crinklecut June 18, 2013