Source Code

Feature creep

Feature creep means too many unwanted features that clearly don't fit the original design and/or purpose.

Elari KidPhone 3G is a kids' smartwatch, it already had shitty battery life, but they added a MP3 player! That's some of the wildest feature creep I've ever seen in a firmware update!

by krazzyfяeak February 27, 2020

voting feature

i think urban dictionairy removed the voting feature, i cant see it

they removed the voting feature

by ISipCum May 3, 2021

Feature Fuck

Fucking an individual purely based on one feature alone. Typically a large penis, round ass, big breasts or nice looking pussy but can manifest in other less common forms such as small hands, uncommon height, blowjob lips etc.

“Sure her face is a mess and she ain’t that hot but her ass is amazing, it was just a feature fuck

by blilliam bleed October 27, 2020

eejit features

Scottish Slang for idiot

The boy drapt the box, "Agh, gee it here's eejit features!" Sighed the man

by Chloebelle February 14, 2017

Block feature

Oh wow! Not being able to block who follows you!? I CAN'T IMAGINE! WHO COULD EVEN CONCEIVE OF SUCH A THING! NOT ME!

Hym "Guys... How do you not see how fucking retarded you look? Decrying the fact that Elon is removing the block feature? You're... Are you even vaguely familiar with my existence? How... Guys... You're making this WAY too easy for me! Like... It is UNFATHOMABLE to you... That YOU... WON'T BE ABLE TO BLOCK THE PEOPLE WHO ARE FOLLOWING YOU... UNFATHOMABLE... To think... That YOU... Won't be able to do ON TWITTER.... What I CAN'T DO IN REAL LIFE... ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED!? DON'T YOU SEE THE IRONY THERE!? I hate to admit it but Elon might actually be a genius! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? Do you think that it's ridiculous to be unable to block people from following you? The combination of these 2 things makes you A FUCKING RETARD. In 1 fell swoop... He made you all look retarded. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?

Why would you criticize that decision (to remove the block feature) when you know who I am and what I'm dealing with!? Seriously, you motherfuckers are DUMB AS DOGSHIT BOY! DUMB as ABSOLUTE dogshit! Do you even think!? Are you even capable OF thought? Do YOU consider what you do THOUGHT? Fuck... You see it right? The way in which he made you all looks stupid right? All of you at the same time. Like a hentai tentacle-monster in an all girls school... You all just go fucked at the same time. Almost as stupid as I made you look. You're dumb now. Dumb as an ontological reality. EVEN IF... You didn't vocalize it... If you even though that it was stupid... Even for a second... If THAT THOUGHT... Occupied ANY PART of the meat jelly within your skull... For even an instant... And you know who I am and didn't have a problem with me being unable to do it in real life... You're retarded now. As a FACT. Actually retarded. Actually and factually retarded. It's official! That's some Satoru Gojo shit! He combined the fact that YOU THINK it's preposterous to be unable to block people from following you (Red)... And the fact they you are aware of my existence and situation (Blue)... Hollow technique: Purple! You shouldn't have stepped forward! You were in the path of the attack! Fucking idiots man!"

by Hym Iam August 20, 2023

Feature creeper

The feature creeper is someone who, instead of settling with simple, predefined design and working around it, starts constantly adding stuff that weren't accounted for, cluttering the design with more and more features that may or may not be unnecessary(an act known as feature creep). Usually, they will not admit they've just commited a feature creep.

"I do not fear the feature creep, I embrace it! Yes, you can call me feature creeper, but that's just who I am!"

by UrbanLore May 10, 2022

Double feature dropkick

A double feature dropkick is a powerful dropkick including a running start. A double feature dropkick includes both feet being firmly planted somewhere on the victims body. The chest is a popular and effective area to be targeted.

It is often shortened to "double-feature"

The boxer was winning the fight at first, so the other kid backed off and sent a double feature dropkick the boxers way.

by XbronwillamoX August 2, 2009