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genshin impact unofficial server

a unofficial place to talk about genshin impact

i love the unofficial genshin impact server. You should join the genshin impact unofficial server

by AustinTheSleepy August 25, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beat a genshin impact player day

The day on December 7 you can beat up every genshin impact player and they can't fight back

Person1: Hey bro. it's beat a genshin impact player day!
Person2: Oh wow. I see one over there, let's give it a beating

by Dakewer December 8, 2021

74๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

Genshin bitch

A person who uses the credentials of another person's account on Genshin Impact to complete various, often laborious tasks on their behalf.

"oh don't worry about him. He's just my Genshin bitch."

by Dxeuse2356 June 22, 2023


a game full of gay people who will come up to you and steal your materials. Also there are not many maidens left in this game, sadly.

friend: have you played genshin beofre?
me: ew get that gay ass game away from me..

by keelee~bred April 18, 2024


A sever illness that leads to a crippling gambling addiction.

Guy 1: hey wyd

Guy 2: on genshin

Guy1: get well soon

by ussy May 28, 2022

Genshin Impact

An anime-style action RPG developed and published by miHoYo(known as Hoyoverse overseas) in 2020.

Probably one of the most polarizing games that ever came out since Grand Theft Auto V or The Last of Us Part 2, as you will get two completely different responses depending on who you ask despite its huge audience.

Fans and some reviewers praise the game for its well-crafted world, diverse cast of characters, engaging gameplay mechanics, excellent BGM, and rich, engaging story.

On the other hand, critics derided the game as a Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ripoff due to their similarities shown in earlier footage. It also doesn't help that there were allegations about in-game censorship and spyware during the game's early days, further souring its reputation. Its gacha system is also a point of contention in the West, due to its luck-based nature that is similar to gambling.

Stereotypically speaking, Genshin Impact players in the West are seen as 500lb neckbeard pedophiles; and in the East, especially in Hong Kong and Taiwan, you will be seen as a CCP bootlicker who has trash taste and no integrity.

Fans: I'm amazed by how well-made the game is despite its Chinese origins. If you would ask me where this game came from, I would not have guessed that it is from China.

Critics: Genshin Impact is a piece of trash insulting the gaming industry and creativity. Why bother putting in blood, sweat and tears to create something great when you can just rip off somebody else's hard work and watch those neckbeards forking out their entire life savings for their anime waifu? The game only belongs in one place: the landfill.

by July 3, 2024

Genshin Impact

something jeremy sucks at

when Jeremy plays genshin impact, he doesn't

by notlettuce June 6, 2022