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Madonna Salamella

The art of comparing the Holy Madonna to the italian salami as an insult.

oh Madonna Salamella ur so ugly! - Oh Madonna Salamella quanto sei brutta!

by NANABIBI95 February 24, 2018


General italian term for suprise.

Oh Madonna! The Pope just imploded!

by what kinda name is soap December 23, 2022


Madonna is a really lovely person and will always look out for everyone, she’s extremely honest and you can always count on her to tell you the truth , however one downside to her is that she looks and acts like a donkey

Oh looks it’s a donkey , no silly that’s just Madonna

by slaggybetty May 20, 2022


a modern girl what ever she is!When one is ugly.listenning is one other,beautiful o is else,any surprise model that will be having!

It is thus no sad,let thismadonna,come too to our party!

by bad,good? November 27, 2019


A strong independent woman. She is very smart and technical, once you become friends with her you and her will always be friends. Madonna is a very trusting woman, you can always talk to her, you can always laugh with her. Madonna is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. She loves going out for adventures and seeing the world. She is also very down to earth most the time! But be careful if you get in her/her friends bad side, she will go full beast mode

Guy: who’s that?
Girl: That’s Madonna!
Guy: ohhhhh yeah she’s cool!

Girl: she sure is.

by Katilyn hadders January 20, 2021


A dumb 1990's slut who makes bad music.

Hey man, you heard that new Madonna album?

by Destroyer902 February 4, 2019

1👍 1👎


an absolute baddie

i am such a madonna right now

by November 9, 2022