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Literally the best

Omg ur so MAGNUS omg.

by QualityDerp September 18, 2019


A guy who always expects you to buy him cheeseburgers and other junk foods, Sometimes acts like a douche and is extremely feminine. Thinks he is older and smarter than he actually is by using words and expressions from the 1950s

Did you hear that guy talking like he's from the past
Yeah he's a real Magnus.

Mark's been expecting me to buy him food everytime we go out he's such a magnus

by Bigby Richard July 25, 2018


A person with grey hair (often Magnus) who has a colleague (often Sweetie or Huden(Often Mork))

Dude: "Wow that guy is hormagnus"
Dudette:"What is that supposed to mean"
Dude 1: "He is horlik Magnus"
Dudette: "Snapsvisemagnus!"
Dude 2: "Noe"
Dudette: "He is drunkmagnus"
Dude 2: "Yaes"

by HudensHund January 24, 2023

Magnus Boru

An internet meme and a euphemism describing an extremly tough and masculine male.

"Dude, did you see that guy tear that phone book in half? Total Magnus Boru!"

by Double Corona April 1, 2009

lars magnus

An autistic child with one eye who is often seen dancing to nightcore songs in class.

Wow look at that Lars Magnus over there
Can that Lars Magnus shut the fuck up?

by Sepkamen March 13, 2017