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Motive, commonly used in British slang amongst poorer classes. Motive, a social gathering where people from the surrounding areas meet up smoke, drink etc. These people will socialise, listen to music and go home late at night. A motive can start at 6pm and last till 12pm.

Motives will usually take place on Fridays sometimes Saturdays and are very popular. Motives consist of anything from 50-200 people plus. Usually everyone attending is of the lower class and everyone fits in. A great way to bring a community together. Would recommend my local motives 👍. Dangerous people can go to a motive so don’t square up just ignore them.

“Bro you going motive tonight”
“Yeah every Friday”

by Mc JB September 29, 2021

Motivated Trading Company

The World's best & most uplifting Trading Group, the Family where all Traders belong.

I joined the Motivated Trading Company last month & never looked back!

The Motivated Trading Company helped me make back all of my trading losses & more!

The Motivated Trading Company encouraged me to believe in myself & trust my gut more!

by OptionsTrader November 26, 2021


The platonic love one has with their vehicle; a non sexual attraction to ones vehicle; the love one has for cars as a whole or for a specific grouping of car (ie style, brand, region, engine type, etc.); one who prefers to take care of their car rather then themselves.

Girlfriend: Why do you spend more time with your car then me?
Me: It's because I'm Gender-Motive

by nukefart14 January 30, 2021

Margiela tabi-stemmed-motivation

Working hard for the sake of a pair of tabi’s.

You may be wondering why I’m working so hard. Well, it’s that Margiela tabi-stemmed-motivation.

by intheiruniverse June 4, 2021

Motivation Letter

A professional letter you are to write to universities in order to present yourself and your interest in the faculty studies. Can be incredibly annoying to write as universities have different names for same studies and you might end up mixing it all up. So far i have dipped two cans of Red Bull and started over three times for the main body of the letter.

I have the finish my motivation letter before the end of the first semester. I don't even have my transcript so far!

by not_zub November 21, 2021

Motive Minge

Smelly vagina after attending a party with not much ventilation.

I went back to hers and I was gonna go down on her but she had a motive minge

by LHWW October 22, 2023

posterior motives

The intentions of a impostor from among us. Also called IMposterior motives. Get it, cause their the impo from amongus.

Dark Blue: * does task *

Impostor: DB is sus!! They faked a task, PROVING they have posterior motives.

by impnessmogus October 10, 2022