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Smuggling yo yo's

Male version of camel toe.

Dude's pants were so tight he was smuggling yo yo's

by Dick "the cheeseman" Pounder July 18, 2008

Smuggling puppies

Used to describe a man's package when it is prominently on display and hard not to notice.

Did you see the pants that John was wearing just walking around smuggling puppies.

by XH2806 August 1, 2022

Sweetart Smuggling

To violently force packaged Sweetarts (stick-style) into the anus and eat them at a later period. No lubrication used in process.

Josh:I just walked in on my brother to see him Sweetart Smuggling!

Katrina:That's disgusting dude!

by KetchupSunshine November 8, 2010

Sentence Smuggling

An attempt by an individual to smuggle negative emotions past another individual's awareness by the use of a disingenuous and ubiquitous statement; sometimes for the intent and purpose of using said emotions to inflict harm at a later and more opportune time.

Her: "I'm fine with it."
Him: "Yeah, I'm going to call BS on that on account of sentence smuggling. Tell me how you REALLY feel."

by Jinsei_KC March 22, 2016

beer smuggle

it when you smuggle beer up your anoos

during the native tribe war the used the "beer smuggle" to get there drank on

by Prison Wallet October 15, 2017

muffin smuggling

When you sneak a woman onto an airplane in your carry-on or checked luggage for the express purpose of engaging in consensual in-flight sex through a hole previously created in the side of said luggage.

Flight attendant: “Excuse me, sir, but please remove your penis from that luggage. I’m worried you’ll get sperm on your travel items.”
Frequent flyer with his penis in a piece of luggage: “Thank you for your concern, but there are no travel items in here, only my wife. We’re muffin smuggling as a means of keeping our marriage strong.”
Flight attendant: “I see. It’s important to do things as a couple. Can I get you a ginger ale?”
Frequent flyer: “Yes. Can I have also have an extra pack of cookies?”
Flight attendant: “No.”
Wife, from within the luggage: “I love when we muffin smuggle.”
Frequent flyer, his penis still in a piece of luggage: “Me too, dear.”
Pilot: “We’ll be landing in 15 minutes.”
Flight attendant: “Sir, I’m going to need you to exit the overhead compartment and return to your seat.”

by CountOlaf69 June 22, 2024