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The Tre-Pitt

When you are engaging in intercourse and a woman places your ankles to ears in order to engage in fellatio.

Did your girl preform the Tre-Pitt on you last night?

Yes! My ankles were at my ears. It was heavenly.

by GigglyGoof October 30, 2023

Emme Pitt

a girl who is fun and possibly an earth sign. She’s hot but doesn’t know it. She’ll make the place more fun and give you lots of memories.

Hey, do you know Emme Pitt?

Yea I do

by THEMLEM November 12, 2021

Taking a Pitts

When one takes off on a work weekend leaving the rest of the shift to struggle to answer calls and become overworked.

“Hey man I think I’m gonna be taking a Pitts this weekend
“Man go to hell

by Go’on August 7, 2019


1.)Your mind when it is at risk of boiling over with seemingly infinte quantities of genius ideas.

To mere mortals these ideas may seem incomprehensible and "stewpit".

2.)A moshpit that is moving in a circular motion and is about to boil over with the hot sweat of countless roving bodies.

1.) When I smoked that J a billion brilliant ideas flooded my mind. The waters of the flood soon began to boil as the unbridled energy of countless unborn ideas stoked the fires of my mind. My mind was a real stew-pitt.

2.) The stew-pitt was so hot and wet I felt as if I was about to be boiled alive.

by Dedraterdater February 8, 2023

Re'Mya Pitts

she is the most funny smart and moody girl I've ever met. she can make me smile by just looking at me she has the most beautiful teeth they match her face so well shes mine. to whoever is seeing this. shes ems always and forever no matter what. shes my first everything except kiss but shes just so wonderful. i love her so so so so much - your first love, Em.

have you seen Re'Mya Pitts i heard shes taken by Em!!

by ineedlovelove June 15, 2022

French Brad Pitt

A guy that looks about as much like Brad Pitt as I look like Tom Cruise.

If that guy is the French Brad Pitt, I must be like the Colin Farrell of the South or somebody like that, even though Colin Farrell thinks I am prettier than that man.

by The Original Agahnim July 17, 2021

French Brad Pitt

A title where you don't have to look or be anything like the other guy to have.

The French Brad Pitt might as well be the French Shaquille O'Neal, why not?

by The Original Agahnim July 17, 2021