Source Code

slide down to my spot and get some ones

to go to the bank and get money

im gonna slide down to my spot and get some ones. be back at 8:00

by Drew P. Balls March 15, 2009

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can i get some fries wit dat?

a secret code at mcdonalds in urban places that means "hook me up wit some nuggets or sumthin' nigga."

employee: heres yo food
customer: ayyye nigga can i get some fries wit dat?
employee: yea, hold up nigga

by jaybe October 23, 2006

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get me some ass

find a woman for me to fuck

I'm gonna get me some ass this weekend

by Yankprof September 26, 2015

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come get you some

To challenge -- synonyms: "You wanna fight?", "You wanna step?", etc

Sarasota County redneck slang. Commonly used with "son," "you don't want none" and "story time"

"Oh, whatever, I can beat your ass any day."

"Yeah, son? Come get you some."

by f_ckingpassive September 11, 2003

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Get Me Some Hump

What happens when your ex has your kids for the night & you...

"He has the kids tonight, so I'm gonna get me some hump!"

Seriously... This was shouted out in a crowded city bus, much to the amusement of the other riders!

by =^_^= MR30W =^_^= July 11, 2008

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get yourself some yonder

Redneck term for "Get the hell away from me" or "go away"

Wigger kid: "Hey dawg, let's bump dis' new Eminem record I hurred it's off da chain!"

Redneck (with a stone face): "Boy you better get yourself some yonder."

by Dr Trollface December 27, 2016

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immo get me some

A declaration that you intend to have sex with a person that you are currently observing. Normally the person of intent is not in audible range of this statement and is someone who you do not know or have just met. Immo is a contraction representing the words "I am going to".

See that hot guy over there.... immo get me some!

by TrendMuffin September 9, 2017

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