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Post-Score Hookup

The act of winning back a lover and reclaiming your bang-piece, after a 20-year period.

20 years ago, Jacob thought he lost his prized bang-piece. Now, he has her back. Jacob for the post-score hookup!

by mistercocohead August 22, 2016

Post-Score Hookup

The act of winning back a lover and reclaiming your bang-piece, after a 20-year period.

20 years ago, Jacob thought he lost his prized bang-piece. Now, he has her back. Jacob for the post-score hookup!

by mistercocohead August 22, 2016

Post-Score Hookup

The act of winning back a lover and reclaiming your bang-piece, after a 20-year period.

20 years ago, Jacob thought he lost his prized bang-piece. Now, he has her back. Jacob for the post-score hookup!

by mistercocohead August 22, 2016

Post-Score Hookup

The act of winning back a lover and reclaiming your bang-piece, after a 20-year period.

20 years ago, Jacob thought he lost his prized bang-piece. Now, he has her back. Jacob for the post-score hookup!

by mistercocohead August 22, 2016

drive by hookup

When (person 1) drives by their potential hookup(person 2)'s house. Then they call (person 2) to come out to the car. The two then hookup in the car, and thats that....until next time.

ex. 1:
"I had the gayest drive by hookup last night. Jonathan had a broken arm so it was impossible to get anything done....after an hour of kissing and banging my leg on the steering wheel I made a curfew excuse."

by Slooooot March 27, 2008

hurricane hookup

When at least two persons or parties are waiting for a storm (or other such cataclysmic event) that one might not survive, and as a result and in response to mortal anxiety, all parties throw caution to the wind and engage in free, rampant sexual intercourse.

When the captain said the tropical storm was headed in our direction, my new friend and I decided to have a hurricane hookup before getting too involved in talking.

by Y. Abraham September 7, 2017

Halftime Hookup

When someone ditches the halftime festivities to get some pussy out in there truck.

Hayden did you just pull a halftime hookup?

by lempson6 November 4, 2018